What better way to start a holiday than with a visit to the local cement museum and factory. The museum was quick to go through with a couple cool models. More impressive was the real factory next door.
Lynn Horsford ― Rezola cement factory ― 2019/04/26 1/1700s at f/2.5, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
What do people do when they visit San Sebastián? They eat.
We were no exception.
With thanks to Chris’s foursquare list and our AirBnB host’s home-made pintxo map, we visited more than 20 pintxos bars over 4 says. Lots of great micro-dishes.
I listened to a podcast last year that talked about how people only really remember the first bite of a dish. So you might go for an truly amazing meal - but if you only have one dish you’ll only really remember that first bite. One memory. But if you try several dishes, you’ll have a much richer memory. It ended by recommended sharing more dishes and getting starters over mains - you’ll try more and have more memories of the occasion. Eating pintxos is exactly like this - in an evening you’re having 10-20 different bites. So many more memories.
I don’t have any photos of them, but the potato tortillas everywhere were great. I’m on the hunt now for similar ones in London.
View down the river Urumea.
Urumea river ― 2019/04/28 1/1250s at f/5.6, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Kiosko Boulevard ― 2019/04/29 1/950s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 20, iPhone 7
If I had to pick one to recommend it would be Casa Urola in a heartbeat - everything we tried was fantastic and interesting. The beef at Gandaria was tastiest single thing I had, but the other dishes were so so.
With a spare day and sun in the forecast, we caught the bus for the neighbouring town of Getaria. Fabled to have amazing seafood and picturesque streets.
Getaria ― 2019/04/28 1/2700s at f/2, 53mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Getaria ― 2019/04/28 1/1250s at f/3.2, 53mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Getaria is certainly picturesqe - but we struck out on the food front. Every restaurant we tried wanted reservations. No walk-ups here.
Getaria ― 2019/04/28 1/4000s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 20, iPhone 7
A roadside sculpture resembling origami.
2019/04/28 1/190s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 20, iPhone 7
With some time off work I decided to extend my holiday - travelling to Bilbao airport to catch a flight to Lisbon. I showed my mom off at the bus station and ventured on to more sun and sights.