A weekend in Basel
I’d flown via Basel to visit a local music festival in France (Les Eurockéennes), so it seemed a good place to stop off for a few days. Like most things Swiss, it runs very well - transport was easy, and there’s plenty to do.
The Rhine ― 2018/07/10
1/180s at f/4, 15mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
1/800s at f/4.5, 17mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
1/120s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 20, iPhone 7
1/125s at f/5.6, 20mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
The Rhine ― 2018/07/09
15s at f/8, 15mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Swimming in the Rhine
Permalink to “Swimming in the Rhine”If there’s one thing everyone should do in Basel it’s to swim in the Rhine. Without a doubt one of the best things I’ve ever done. You put all your belongings in a dry bag, jump in upstream, and then float towards the city centre. There’s lots of places to get out and have a beer whilst you dry off. The water was warm (ish!) and crystal clear. I plan to go back to Basel just so I can have this amazing experience again. I was slightly nervous putting my dslr and passport in the dry-bag, but they were fine.
Visiting all the museums
Permalink to “Visiting all the museums”Basel has a great collection of museums to explore. They’re also rather pricey. I bought a museums pass (hint: cheaper in nearby Germany) to get access to the lot for the next year. It worked out about the same as buying tickets for just the places I was interested in, but this way I got to go to other museums I wouldn’t have otherwise visited, and hundreds more in Switzerland, Germany, and France are included too.
In two days I visited:
- Kunstmuseum Basel
- Vitra campus
- Vitra Design Museum
- Fondation Beyeler
- Museum Tinguely
- Historical Museum
- Museum Tinguely (again!)
- Basel paper museum
- Pharmacy museum
- Anatomical museum
- Swiss Architecture museum
- Kunstmuseum Basel (different building)
Basel Historical museum
Permalink to “Basel Historical museum”The Basel Historical museum had various dioramas of the type I remember seeing in natural history museums of my childhood. What stood out for me were the displays they’d set up showing how they construct the dioramas. Including various models in different stages of completion.
A display case shows some of the techniques used by the Basel Historical museum to construct their dioramas.
The Basel Historical museum ― 2018/07/11
1/40s at f/4.5, 29mm, ISO 400, Fuji X-T20
Basel paper museum
Permalink to “Basel paper museum”The paper museum was an unexpected delight. I wish I’d had more time to explore. It covers paper-making, printing, binding, and so much more. As a type geek it was great to see their collection of movable type machines and other printing presses.
The Basel paper museum ― 2018/07/11
1/40s at f/4, 19mm, ISO 1250, Fuji X-T20
A craftsman makes a piece of movable type.
Pharmacy museum
Permalink to “Pharmacy museum”The Pharmacy museum ― 2018/07/11
1/40s at f/4, 15mm, ISO 1250, Fuji X-T20
The Pharmacy museum ― 2018/07/11
1/40s at f/4, 36mm, ISO 2000, Fuji X-T20
Kunstmuseum Basel
Permalink to “Kunstmuseum Basel”The Kunstmuseum’s subtle yet striking signage.
The Kunstmuseum
The Kunstmuseum’s facade signage worked brilliantly. Subtle, yet strong enough to read in bright sunlight. Read more about it here.
The Kunstmuseum ― 2018/07/11
1/100s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 40, iPhone 7
untitled, 1969, by Dan Flavin
The Kunstmuseum ― 2018/07/11
1/50s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 32, iPhone 7