Tejo power station

All posts and images from Tejo power station

2019/06/04 ― Image from the post To Belém and Maat.

Looking straight on to a large control panel in Maat. The panel has a several columns of controls and dials and has a light grey-green surface colour.

2019/06/04 ― Image from the post To Belém and Maat.

Looking straight on in the interior of the Maat engine room. there’s a large boiler to the left and tall windows in the background. Black pipes descend from above.

2019/06/04 ― Image from the post To Belém and Maat.

Looking up at the ceiling of the Maat engine room. There’s various walkways crossing the room and tall thin glass windows going up to the roof.

2019/06/04 ― Image from the post To Belém and Maat.

An interior photo of some boilers in Maat. The room is filled with pipes of all sizes and is generally painted in bright primary colours.

2019/06/04 ― Image from the post To Belém and Maat.

A display case of various types of light bulb.